[wxPython] append own PopupMenu to the existing windoze menu


i done this. to create the standard menu
behavior isn't hard. if you know how to do
i do it so:
    <look at the end of this post>

buuuuuuut there are difficulties....
the both ID's
don't work. wxCLEAR is there, but nothing
happen. wxSELECTALL is NOT implemented.
python says that there is no variable called wxSEL.
i also checked Ctrl-A and nothing happen. What's
going on?

read ya, reen

python 2.0
wxwin 2.2
python win32extensions

    def __init__:
        EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self, self.SetPopupCommentPos)
        EVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK(self,-1, self.SetPopupComment)

    def SetPopupCommentPos(self,event):
        self.x = event.GetX()
        self.y = event.GetY()

# Popupmenu mit den Standardwindoze einträgen
#define wxID_CUT 5030
#define wxID_COPY 5031
#define wxID_PASTE 5032
#define wxID_CLEAR 5033
#define wxID_FIND 5034
#define wxID_DUPLICATE 5035
#define wxID_SELECTALL 5036

    def SetPopupComment(self,event):
        menu = wxMenu()
        tPopupID1 = wxID_UNDO
        tPopupID2 = 0
        tPopupID3 = wxID_CUT
        tPopupID4 = wxID_COPY
        tPopupID5 = wxID_PASTE

#Funktionieren Nicht
# tPopupID6 = wxID_CLEAR
# tPopupID7 = wxID_SELECTALL

        menu.Append(tPopupID1, "&Rückgängig")
        menu.Append(tPopupID2, "&Kommentar hinzufügen")
        menu.Append(tPopupID3, "&Ausschneiden")
        menu.Append(tPopupID4, "&Kopieren")
        menu.Append(tPopupID5, "&Einfügen")

# menu.Append(tPopupID6, "&Löschen")
# menu.AppendSeparator()
# menu.Append(tPopupID7, "Alles &markieren")

        if self.comment:

        EVT_MENU(self, tPopupID1, self.NormalWindozePopupFunctions)
        EVT_MENU(self, tPopupID2, self.AddComment)
        EVT_MENU(self, tPopupID3, self.NormalWindozePopupFunctions)
        EVT_MENU(self, tPopupID4, self.NormalWindozePopupFunctions)
        EVT_MENU(self, tPopupID5, self.NormalWindozePopupFunctions)

# EVT_MENU(self, tPopupID6, self.NormalWindozePopupFunctions)
# EVT_MENU(self, tPopupID7, self.NormalWindozePopupFunctions)

        self.PopupMenu(menu, wxPoint(self.x, self.y))

    def NormalWindozePopupFunctions(self,event):

#Funktionieren Nicht
# tPopupID6 = wxID_CLEAR
# tPopupID7 = wxID_SELECTALL

Thanks, I'll add these constants...

    def NormalWindozePopupFunctions(self,event):

How about just calling self.Copy(), self.Paste(), etc. (assuming self is the
text control) instead of hoping that the right value gets back to the native
control? That way it won't matter if you use the native IDs or not as you
will be handling all of the menu yourself.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
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