Can you add a keyboard shortcut or an accelerator key for the print button of printFramework module ?
Print ------> Ctrl + P (or p)
Why not use a menu bar in more for keyboard shortcuts ?
Print ------> Ctrl + P (or P )
Goto Page ------> Ctrl + A (or A )
Zoom Out ------> Ctrl + - (or - )
Zoom In ------> Ctrl + + (or + )
Close ------> Ctrl + Q (or Q )
Second problem, after the close button (or click on the Next Page button), why the tab traversal and / or the focus are they lost?
Identical with wxPython
Also translate tooltip of buttons (see screenshot).
English | French
Print | Imprimer
First page | Première page # No translated
Previous page | Page précédente
Next page | Page suivante
Last page | Dernière page # No translated
Zoom Out | Zoom arrière # No translated
Zoom In | Zoom avant # No translated
Close | Fermer
If possible, i thanks you by advance.