Robb Shecter wrote:
That's great that you're working on this. And, that you're
looking for the correct solutions for the particular parts -
I'm sure that what you're doing will end up being a guide
for others.
Thank you! (I hadn't planned to spend so much time on this, but
I also take pride in my work, and getting the implementation
right has been trickier than I'd planned. I've also discovered
several things that I should fix in the wxTimeCtrl that I
submitted earlier; specifically the Cut and Paste issue that
I had completely overlooked.)
I will, however, let someone else follow my example to create
a proper wxFloatCtrl. (Although interesting for illustrative
purposes, the wxPyWiki cookbook example for one is just, well,
lame. I have no immediate need for it though, and can't
afford the time to generate one, but there ought to be a control
that, in addition to what wxIntCtrl will do, handles decimal
fractions, fixed precision, etc. (Perhaps one day someone
will supersede wxIntCtrl with a proper wxNumCtrl that optionally
does all of this.)
What does your package do,
and would it make my task any easier?I'm not sure if it'd make it easier - you seem to be grubbing around
pretty deep in the event chain. But then again, maybe it
would. If the package keeps working and being useful, it looks
like it'll become more a standard part of wxPython. Take a look
at the demo in the 'new demos' or the 'event' categories. And if
you can, from the latest wxPython version - I fixed a Skip issue.
I've wanted to post a short announce about it here to the group -
I'll put more information in that.
I look forward to it. I've been too busy to install the latest
and greatest wxPython, but I will probably get to it in the
coming month.
/Will Sadkin
Parlance Corporation