WxNotebook page reference help

I have a application that mainly works with a Notebook widget. When the user make a menu selection a new notebook page is created and the

notebook page’s TextCtrl widget is populated with the contents of file. I’m using the wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED

and a callback to find out the page number. All of this is working.


I have multiple notebook pages, and the user selects a specific page (I can find out which specific page has been chosen,).

How do I reference the editor widget (wx.TextCtrl) for the selected page, so I can get the editor’s content.

The code used to create each notebook page is below.

def CreateTestCasePage (self, file):

 scroll = wx.ScrolledWindow(self.notebook, -1, style ......)

  # The new page will become the Top page

  self.notebook.AddPage(page = scroll, select =True,  text=tabName)



  id = wx.NewId()

  editor = wx.TextCtrl(scroll, id, size = (700,400), style = wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.HSCROLL)


 sizer.AddWindow(editor, flag = wx.EXPAND)






You have a number of options, for example:

  1. Subclass the wx.ScrolledWindow and store reference to editor in a member variable.

class MyScroll( wx.ScrolledWindow ):

def init( … )


  self.editor = wx.TextCtrl( ... )
  1. “Inject” reference to the editor in a scroll variable itself.

scroll.editor = wx.TextCtrl( … )

  1. If editor is guarantied to be only one “child” control of scroll then GetChildren() function can be used:

editor = scroll.GetChildren()[0]

  1. Give a name to editor control and then use scroll.FindWindowByName to locate it.



----- Original Message -----

Lanuez, Javier

To: wxpython-users@lists.wxwidgets.org

Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 1:33 AM

Subject: [wxPython-users] WxNotebook page reference help

I have a application that mainly works with a Notebook widget. When the user make a menu selection a new notebook page is created and the

notebook page’s TextCtrl widget is populated with the contents of file. I’m using the wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED

and a callback to find out the page number. All of this is working.


I have multiple notebook pages, and the user selects a specific page (I can find out which specific page has been chosen,).

How do I reference the editor widget (wx.TextCtrl) for the selected page, so I can get the editor’s content.

The code used to create each notebook page is below.

def CreateTestCasePage (self, file):

   scroll = wx.ScrolledWindow(self.notebook, -1, style ......)
    # The new page will become the Top page
    self.notebook.AddPage(page = scroll, select =True,  text=tabName)
    id = wx.NewId()
    editor = wx.TextCtrl(scroll, id, size = (700,400), style = wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.HSCROLL)
   sizer.AddWindow(editor, flag = wx.EXPAND)