wxmenubar not hiding

I apologize, my email sent accidentally before I was finished.

I’m trying to hide my wxmenubar. I do roughly the below. The button acts to toggle the menubar showing. I printed out IsShown to the screen and the button appears to work properly. however I can still see the menubar. Is there some update or refresh that is required for the menubar to hide?


OnButton(self, evt):

if menubar.IsShown() :




Although wx.MenuBar derives from wx.Window it does not implement many of the features of it. To hide a menu bar the best thing to do is call the Frame's SetMenuBar(None).


On 10/5/09 12:39 PM, Jeff Peery wrote:

I apologize, my email sent accidentally before I was finished.
I'm trying to hide my wxmenubar. I do roughly the below. The button acts
to toggle the menubar showing. I printed out IsShown to the screen and
the button appears to work properly. however I can still see the
menubar. Is there some update or refresh that is required for the
menubar to hide?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman