if i use (wxListCtrl).SetColumnWidth(1,wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE), the dimension of column 1 is set in order to all values of that column, but not in order to the text of head column.
if the value of column 1 is a little number and the head text is "Number of Column One", the wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE set the width of column only for display the little number and i can't read the head.
Use wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER for columns which should be sized by the header text size.
On 23/10/2010 11:52, Alex Ghelfi wrote:
if i use (wxListCtrl).SetColumnWidth(1,wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE), the dimension of column 1 is set in order to all values of that column, but not in order to the text of head column.
if the value of column 1 is a little number and the head text is "Number of Column One", the wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE set the width of column only for display the little number and i can't read the head.