Friday, November 18, 2005, 4:46:11 PM, Michael Beaulieu wrote:
I'm alarmed that my initial post has not garnered any attention ( but
one ) since the implication is that if you write an application, that
you want to run on windows, and you want to use the grid widget, you are
not well off.
As an example, I ran the Chandler ( osaf ) application and rendered it
useless in a matter of seconds. And don't get me wrong!! I like and
want to use Chandler.
I appreciate that the initial post is easy to laugh off, and that's why
I haven't posted to the wxwidgets list yet, but I don't really think
it's a laughing matter. By the way, I can duplicate this behaviour by
running the grid demo that comes with wxwidgets.
Anybody wanting to use the grid widget has to ( needs to ) understand
the implications of the issue at hand.
I would appreciate it if people who do use the grid widget might respond
just to give me an idea if there is anybody else interested in this issue.
Tried the GridSimple on the demo and I was able to reproduce the
behavior you described.
Commented out the line #15 and the issue disappeared:
#self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle)
Maybe that's a EVT_IDLE issue, not a grid issue, and so perhaps the
same problem may arise with other widgets. OTOH, you could try to
workaround that by investigating if you do really need a EVT_IDLE
handled on your grid.
-- tacao
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