wxGenBitmapButton vs. SetDefault

Thanks Robin,

you have right, wxPanel.SetDefaultItem() accepts wxWindow instance.
I've made the following changes in button.py, but when I hit ENTER
happens nothing. DeafultItem has set and point to the wxGenBitmapButton

What happens in the wxWindows event system when user
hits ENTER in a wxPanel that has a default button? Need I implement any
other event handler in wxGenBitmapButton to receive the ENTER key?

# file: wxPython/lib/buttons.py

def SetDefault(self):
  if self.GetParent():


I've browsed the wxWindows source to see how SetDefault() is in normal
wxButton implemented, but SetDefault() is "made by" the underliying windowing
system.(MSW or GTK)

# in GTK:
void wxBitmapButton::SetDefault()
    gtk_widget_grab_default( m_widget );
    SetSize( m_x, m_y, m_width, m_height );


  Attila Szuts