I'm getting a bit lost in this discussion. I'm going to try to summarize what I think is the consensus so far, particularly with respect to backward compatability. If I get any of these points wrong, could Patrick or Robin (but not dozens of other people) correct me?
1. There will be a new module called in which Frame will be the same as what is now called wxFrame in the wxPython.wx module, etc.
2. The new module will be simply wx (as opposed to wxPython.wx which is the wx module in the wxPython package), so that you can say
import wx
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
instead of
from wxPython import wx
class MyFrame(wx.wxFrame):
which is awkward, or
from wxPython.wx import *
class MyFrame(wxFrame):
which pollutes the global namespace of the importing module.
3. The EVT_XXX functions will remain all-caps for consistency with the corresponding preprocessor macros in wxWindows.
4. wxPython.wx will still exist for a significant period of time (perhaps even indefinitely), so that old code still works.
5. The exact implementation of the new wx module is still under discussion.