wxFormattedTextCtrl masked edit v0.0.2

For any interested, here's my second revision. The demo should now work in
wx2.3.3. Just double-click the attached file.

Please send comments etc!! Changes follow:

## Version 0.0.2
## 1. Tab now works properly when pressed in last position
## 2. Decimal types now work (e.g. #####.##) see demo.
## 3. Signed decimal or numeric values supported (i.e. negative numbers)
(press '-')
## 4. Negative decimal or numeric values now can show in red.
## 5. Can now specify an "exclude list" with the exceptChars parameter.
## See date/time formatted example - you can only enter A or P in the
## character mask space (i.e. AM/PM).
## 6. Backspace now works properly, including clearing data from a
## region but leaving template characters intact. Also delete key.
## 7. Left/right arrows now work properly.
## 8. Removed EventManager call from test so demo should work with
wxPython 2.3.3

wxFmtTextCtrl002.py (21.3 KB)


## Version 0.0.2 Current Issues:
## ===================================
## 1. Why won't Return/Enter allow the focus to be automatically moved to
the next control?
## 2. Cut/Copy/Paste not yet addressed.
## 3. Mask characters [A,a,X,#] cannot appear in the format string as
## 4. No method yet to GET the value free of formatting characters.
## 5. It should allow some way to specify repeating masks, e.g.
(#3)-(#3)-(#4) - this
## could be parsed by re and the standard format string could be built
## Therefore no additional logic would be needed, just the syntax and the
re parser.
## 6. fillChar option messes up decimal values: how to distinguish between
"extra" zero-filled
## spaces and actual zeros the user may have typed in?