wxDialog and Python console not closing

Hi folks,

I have a strange problem that I don't understand and I
am trying to resolve. My program runs fine until I
open up the following dialog with a ShowModal() call.
After I call the dialog, the python interpreter will
not close when my main program terminates. Here's how
I'm calling the dialog. Note: I had to insert the
sys.exit() to get the program to quit. I'm taking
data from a wxFrame.wxTreeCtrl to the
wxDialog.wxTreeCtrl (modifying it slightly). If the
user approves, I then save the data. What could I
possibly be doing which would cause the python
interpreter to not close when I do a self.Destroy()


        viewDialog = wxDialog1.create(None)
        dstRoot = viewDialog.treeCtrl1.AddRoot("Sorted
Microsoft Tasks")
        srcRoot = self.treeCtrl1.GetRootItem()
        cookie = 0
        data = []
        [priority, cookie] =
        for iOuter in
            id = chr(ord('A')+iOuter)
            taskcookie = 1
            [task, taskcookie] =
            for iInner in
                taskData =
                newSubject = "%s%d: %s" % (id,
iInner+1, taskData[0])
                data.append( [taskData[1], newSubject]
viewDialog.treeCtrl1.AppendItem(dstRoot,newSubject +
                [task, taskcookie] =
            [priority, cookie] =
        if viewDialog.ShowModal():
            for task in data:
                if task[0].Subject != task[1]:
                    task[0].Subject = unicode(task[1])
            wxMessageBox("Tasks Saved", "Complete",

The actual frame is declared as follows:

from wxPython.wx import *
def create(parent):
    return wxDialog1(parent)
map(lambda _init_ctrls: wxNewId(), range(4))
class wxDialog1(wxDialog):
    def _init_utils(self):
        # generated method, don't edit
    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
        # generated method, don't edit
        wxDialog.__init__(self, id = wxID_WXDIALOG1,
name = '', parent = prnt, pos = wxPoint(312, 101),
size = wxSize(1050, 720), style =
wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, title = 'wxDialog1')
        self.SetClientSize(wxSize(1042, 693))
        EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnWxdialog1Size)
        self.saveButton = wxButton(id =
wxID_WXDIALOG1SAVEBUTTON, label = 'Save Tasks', name =
'saveButton', parent = self, pos = wxPoint(0, 0), size
= wxSize(96, 32), style = 0)
wxID_WXDIALOG1SAVEBUTTON, self.OnSavebuttonButton)
        self.returnButton = wxButton(id =
wxID_WXDIALOG1RETURNBUTTON, label = 'Return to
Sorter', name = 'returnButton', parent = self, pos =
wxPoint(96, 0), size = wxSize(96, 32), style = 0)
wxID_WXDIALOG1RETURNBUTTON, self.OnReturnbuttonButton)
        self.treeCtrl1 = wxTreeCtrl(id =
wxID_WXDIALOG1TREECTRL1, name = 'treeCtrl1', parent =
self, pos = wxPoint(0, 32), size = wxSize(616, 288),
style = wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS, validator =
    def __init__(self, parent):
    def OnWxdialog1Size(self, event):
        w,h = self.GetClientSizeTuple()
        self.treeCtrl1.SetDimensions(0, 32, w, h-32)
    def OnSavebuttonButton(self, event):
    def OnReturnbuttonButton(self, event):


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Mike Crowe wrote:

Hi folks,

I have a strange problem that I don't understand and I
am trying to resolve. My program runs fine until I
open up the following dialog with a ShowModal() call. After I call the dialog, the python interpreter will
not close when my main program terminates. Here's how
I'm calling the dialog. Note: I had to insert the
sys.exit() to get the program to quit. I'm taking
data from a wxFrame.wxTreeCtrl to the
wxDialog.wxTreeCtrl (modifying it slightly). If the
user approves, I then save the data. What could I
possibly be doing which would cause the python
interpreter to not close when I do a self.Destroy()

The dialog still exists, by default wxWindows apps don't exit until there are no more top level windows (frames and dialogs.) Because of historical issues you have to call Destroy() on dialogs when you are done with them. (Thinking about this now I may be able to work around this... I'll add it to the to-do list.)


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!