wxbase28uh.lib ?!?


i try to build and install wxPython- from source on MS Win32.

I used the descriptions in the build instructions and some mails
from this list.

First i configured on compiled wxWidgets by copying setup0.h to
setup.h and applying the changes described in

I then compiled wxWidgets:

set WXDIR=c:\tmp\wx\wxPython-src-
set PATH=%WXDIR%\lib\vc_dll;%PATH%
cd %WXDIR%\build\msw

nmake -f makefile.vc OFFICIAL_BUILD=1 SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=0

I got several libraries now in C:\tmp\wx\wxPython-src-\lib\vc_dll:

01.07.2008 23:52 <DIR> .
01.07.2008 23:52 <DIR> ..
01.07.2008 22:44 <DIR> mswd
01.07.2008 22:42 1.240.933 wxbase28d.exp
01.07.2008 22:42 2.084.278 wxbase28d.lib

After that i tried wxPython, in wxPython:

C:\tmp\wx\wxPython-src-\wxPython>python setup.py build_ext --inplace
Preparing CORE...
Preparing GLCANVAS...
Preparing STC...
Preparing ACTIVEX...
Preparing GIZMOS...
running build_ext
building '_core_' extension
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Vc7\bin\link.exe /DLL /nologo
/INCREMENTAL:NO /LIBPATH:c:\tmp\wx\wxPython-src-\lib\vc_dll
/LIBPATH:C:\Python25\libs /LIBPATH:C:\Python25\PCbuild wxbase28uh.lib
wxbase28uh_net.lib wxbase28uh_xml.lib wxmsw28uh_core.lib wxmsw28uh_adv.lib
wxmsw28uh_html.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib
winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib oldnames.lib comctl32.lib odbc32.lib
ole32.lib oleaut32.lib
uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib /EXPORT:init_core_
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: Eingabedatei 'wxbase28uh.lib' kann nicht
geöffnet werden
error: command '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
failed with exit status 1181

And that is correct, there is no wxbase28uh.lib on my system. The libs
that were created are wxbase28d.lib and so on.

Did i use incorrect options to configure wxPython?

What do i need to do/change to compile wxPython?

Thanks for any hints,

Torsten Mohr wrote:

And that is correct, there is no wxbase28uh.lib on my system. The libs
that were created are wxbase28d.lib and so on.

The letters after the version number in the library names are significant and reflect the major build options. "d" == ansi,debug and "uh" == unicode,hybrid (where "hybrid" is a build mode of my own invention where it uses optimization flags and no debug info like a release build, but turns on the __WXDEBUG__ define like a debug build.)

So you need to decide what kind of build you want. To use your existing wxWidgets build you'll need to add "UNICODE=0 --debug" to the setup.py command line. If you want something else then you'll need to adjust the flags used for the wxWidgets build.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Thanks a lot for that hint, i'll try to go for "uh".



Am Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2008 01:06 schrieb Robin Dunn:

Torsten Mohr wrote:
> And that is correct, there is no wxbase28uh.lib on my system. The libs
> that were created are wxbase28d.lib and so on.

The letters after the version number in the library names are
significant and reflect the major build options. "d" == ansi,debug and
"uh" == unicode,hybrid (where "hybrid" is a build mode of my own
invention where it uses optimization flags and no debug info like a
release build, but turns on the __WXDEBUG__ define like a debug build.)

So you need to decide what kind of build you want. To use your existing
wxWidgets build you'll need to add "UNICODE=0 --debug" to the setup.py
command line. If you want something else then you'll need to adjust the
flags used for the wxWidgets build.