wx.SplashScreen class with transparency for Windows, OSX and Ubuntu (or Windows only).

Hello all,

I have a problem with the wx.SplashScreen class.
See file joined.

  • Works fine on Windows 7 (XP ???),
  • Works poorly on Windows XP* (*notice what happens if you move other windows, past the image in the splash screen).
  • No transparency on Ubuntu,
  • No tested on Mac OSX.

Help me.
Thanks you very much.

splashScreen_with_shadow.py (2.24 KB)



Hello all,

I have a problem with the wx.SplashScreen class.
See file joined.

- Works fine on Windows 7 (XP ???),
- Works poorly on Windows XP* (*notice what happens if you move other
windows, past the image in the splash screen).
- No transparency on Ubuntu,
- No tested on Mac OSX.

Funny timing--I just asked this same question and got the answer
yesterday. The answer is you should use AdvancedSplash (see the
demo), because wxSplashScreen doesn't do shaped windows (allowing for
transparency). If you want to read the thread, it's here:




On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 11:19 AM, CJC <jcie.python@gmail.com> wrote:

Help me.
Thanks you very much.

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See the recent "transparent part of advanced splash not working right" thread for more details, but in a nutshell wx.SplashScreen does not support using a non rectangular window with a transparent bitmap. The AdvancedSplash in wx.lib.agw does, but only with images with a mask, not an alpha channel with partially transparent pixels.


On 7/13/11 8:19 AM, CJC wrote:

Hello all,

I have a problem with the wx.SplashScreen class.
See file joined.

- Works fine on Windows 7 (XP ???),
- Works poorly on Windows XP* (*notice what happens if you move other
windows, past the image in the splash screen).
- No transparency on Ubuntu,
- No tested on Mac OSX.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman