
That was indeed the problem: I had set the parent of Shell to self (the
frame) instead of the top-level panel inside the frame. Thanks,

From: Robin Dunn [mailto:robin@alldunn.com]
Sent: September 28, 2006 1:45 PM

Oliver Schoenborn wrote:
> ...
> The shell panel is properly visible in the GUI, but no events seem



-----Original Message-----
> be handled by it: clicking does nothing, I can't select and what I
> type does not appear in shell. The other panel properly handle stuff

> (button clicks etc). What am I missing?

Check the parentage of the widgets to make sure that the
window hierarchy is as you expect it to be. For example, if
you have a panel that fills the frame, but are making the
shell be a direct child of the frame instead of the panel,
then things like what you are seeing are possible.