Prashant Saxena wrote:
I am sending you a personal mail because some information here is personal.
Actually, this is a general question about FloatCanvas, so it's fine for the wxPython list. I've cc'd this response to the list, and to the floatcanvas list.
FloatCanvas and anti aliasing.
Is it possible to draw smooth anti-aliased shapes?
FloatCanvas was build on wxDCs, which do not anti-alias. However, you ca create your own DrawObjects that use wxGraphicsContext:
FloatCanvas and zoom(how texts are handled).
There are three text objects:
Text: text at a fixed size, regardless of zoom.
ScaledText: text with the size defined in World coords -- it gets bigger ans smaler with zoom.
ScaledTextBox: multiline text in an (optional) box -- scales with zoom, and can wrap as well.
Point me out an example file for explaining this in here if any:
look at the main FloatCanvas Demo, and maybe:
in the Demo dir.
Plus there is a little bit of text used in many of the demos.
However, things are a bit complicated now:
There is a new FloatCanvas (FC2). It was written as a Google Summer of Code project this year, and can be found in SVN at:
This new version is built with wx.GraphicsContext from the start, and therefore supports anti-aliasing, alpha blending, and more complex paths. It is also built on a powerful and flexible MVC framework. However, it's brand new, so not as mature and has a few missing features (I think it has only scalable text, and no TextBox, for instance). It may be a good way to go for a new project, though.
You can get help with either version on the floatcanvas mailing list:
Look through that lists archives for more info.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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