Is there any hack to anti-aliased the drawing operation in wx.PseudoDC
Python 2.6.2
XP 32
Is there any hack to anti-aliased the drawing operation in wx.PseudoDC
Python 2.6.2
XP 32
King wrote:
Is there any hack to anti-aliased the drawing operation in wx.PseudoDC
nope -- it's built on DCs, which don't support it.
I tried using self.Refresh() just before ending the OnMouseMotion
function but it produces flicker. self.Update() doesn't do anything.
you may well need double buffering:
That page was written quite some time ago, before GraphicsContexts -- but the principles still apply.
If you really want the drawing to update with every mouse movement, you may have delays/flickering no matter what you do, unless the drawing is very simple.
An alternative is some version of overlays: see the wxPython Demo and discussions on this list.
Aside from proper overlays, you can use double buffering, and blit the buffer to the screen, then over-draw just what is changing as the mouse moves.
This is what I've done in wx.lib.floatcanvas
However, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by using a pre-built drawing canvas. FloatCanvas doesn't support anti-aliasing (at least not very easily), but FloatCanvas 2 does -- it is currently only in SVN, but is likely to be included in future wxPython releases:
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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