I have drawn plotgraph (wx.lib.plot) and I would like to know exact
coordinates (x,y screen coordinates) of the drawn plot canvas area. (I don't
mean the x,y coordinates of the whole plotcanvas including labels/etc. but
only the area where datapoints are drawn)
#to get coordinates or the "grid area":
p1, p2 = gc.boundingBox()
ptx, pty, rectwidth, rectheight = plottercanvas._point2ClientCoord(p1, p2)
#where gc is instance of PlotGraphics and plottercanvas is my instance of
PlotCanvas #ptx = x coordinate #pty = y coordinare #rectwidth = width of rectangle #rectheight = height of rectangle
ok, I found that there is PositionUserToScreen method ;D
and using GetYCurrentRange() & GetXCurrentRange() I can get proper results
even if I use plotcanvas.SetYSpec(type="auto")