Thanks! That's it.
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 09:40:54 +0800, ZhangYue张岳 <> wrote:
>I know this has been discussed before, but I couldn't concoct the
>necessary google incantation to dig it up...
>I use wx.html.HtmlWindow to quickly produce formatted information. I
>would like to be able to create anchor tags <a href="..."> some anchor
></a>, that were '"application specific". That is, instead of loading
>a URL, I want my application to "capture" the click and behave
>appropriately. It would be analogous to handling an event.
I think the wxPython 2.5.2 demo has this.Inherit the class, and override:
def OnLinkClicked(self, linkinfo):
self.log.WriteText('OnLinkClicked: %s\n' % linkinfo.GetHref())# Virtuals in the base class have been renamed with base_ on the front.
self.base_OnLinkClicked(linkinfo)And the linkinfo contains the href info.
Best regards.