[Windows] [UltimateListCtrl] Highlight item override by white when selected

Hi folks,
I’m replacing a panel is written by ObjectListView with UltimateListCtrl.
It’s almost done. Just a little bit error in Windows when select item, the highlight color is override by white and can’t see the data of item.
The problem is it only override in the my main project.If I run on another project or example, the highlight color is Blue.

I’m searching in my project there is override variable or not but I don’t know what is need to looking for?
I see someone say the OS will override the highlight color by OS native color but i’m not sure in this case.

Are there a way to override highlight color to native OS (Blue) or I have to find out where is the problem.
Sorry for my english.
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The ULC uses wx.RendererNative.DrawItemSelectionRect to draw the selection, which uses the system’s default settings to decide on the colors to use. There’s probably a way to override that, like perhaps specifying a color gradient for the selection with the same start and stop colors, but I haven’t tested that or looked any deeper for an alternate solution. Studying the ultimatelistctrl.py module may turn up something.