Windows Styles and Events Hunter :-D

Hi All,

    just an update for those interested or for those already using it.
I have updated my little tool EventsInStyle to display screenshots of
the widgets in addition to window styles, extra-styles and events, if
they are available in the wxWidgets trunk docs. The updated version is




`EventsInStyle` is a small GUI which can be used to retrieve documentation about
events and widgets styles from the online SVN trunk wxWidgets docs.

`EventsInStyle` requires a working internet connection with no firewalls
interferences: having that, just double click on a tree item and `EventsInStyle`
will download the appropriate docs for the item (window styles, events
and widget
appearance as a screenshot on the 3 major platforms, if applicable).

It then saves the downloaded data in a cPickle-based file so that the next time
you need to look at the already downloaded documentation for a particular
widget/event you won't need to waste time to download it again. Obviously, over
time the saved docs become obsolete, so you can delete the saved data and
freshly download the updated documentation.

Enjoy, wxPython rules.


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Hi Andrea,


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Andrea Gavana wrote:

Hi All,

just an update for those interested or for those already using it.

I have updated my little tool EventsInStyle to display screenshots of

the widgets in addition to window styles, extra-styles and events, if

they are available in the wxWidgets trunk docs. The updated version is




EventsInStyle is a small GUI which can be used to retrieve documentation about

events and widgets styles from the online SVN trunk wxWidgets docs.

EventsInStyle requires a working internet connection with no firewalls

interferences: having that, just double click on a tree item and EventsInStyle

will download the appropriate docs for the item (window styles, events

and widget

appearance as a screenshot on the 3 major platforms, if applicable).

It then saves the downloaded data in a cPickle-based file so that the next time

you need to look at the already downloaded documentation for a particular

widget/event you won’t need to waste time to download it again. Obviously, over

time the saved docs become obsolete, so you can delete the saved data and

freshly download the updated documentation.

Enjoy, wxPython rules.


Cool! This has been quite helpful for me when answering newb’s questions on the list or on IRC. Thanks!

Mike Driscoll


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