window tasks not going away

I have a problem in my codebase where opening windows creates tasks, and when I close them they fail to disappear:

Here's a snippet of my code:

            if (self.detailBox is not None):
                    self.detailBox.Close ()
                except wxPyDeadObjectError, e:
                    self.detailBox = None

            self.detailBox = wxFrame(None, -1, 'Torrent Details ', size = wxSize(405,230),
                            style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE)

            panel = wxPanel(self.detailBox, -1, size = wxSize (400,220))
            def closeDetail(evt, self = self):
            EVT_BUTTON(self.detailBox, okButton.GetId(), closeDetail)
            def kill(evt, self = self):
                self.detailBox = None
                self.fileList = None
            EVT_CLOSE(self.detailBox, kill)
            self.detailBox.Show ()

This behavior seems to have sprung up only with the latest Python/wxPython. Is there any difference in the new wxPython I need to account for?