wildcards for file dialogs

Hello Christian,

- Say I'd like to display files matching *.py and *.pyc at
the same time in a file dialog. Can a wildcard be modified to
accomplish that?

wildcard = "Mixed py/pyc Files (*.py, *.pyc)|*.py;*.pyc"

- And (a similar question): How can a file dialog be enforced
to ignore the case of a file suffix? (e.g. the wildcard
should match *.py and *.PY at the same time)

wildcard = "Python Files (*.py, *.PY)|*.py;*.PY"

I have no idea if you can ignore the case of a file suffix, I know almost nothing about *nix :smiley:

Maybe some wxPython/*nix guru will give you a better answer on this subject...




Andrea Gavana (gavana@kpo.kz)
Reservoir Engineer
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