Widget selection for new app, wxgrid?

Hi all -

I've started using wxPython for a new app I'm working on - it's looking pretty good so far. I'm a newbie to wxwidgets development, so I'm not yet familiar with all the various widgets. I have been using the wx.grid widget so far and was wondering if it is the best widget choice for my application.

The core requirement is for a GUI that has a three-column table interface for entering text translations. The first column is for the row numbers, the second column is for the original text, and the third column is the translated text. Currently I use a three column table in a Word document, so the behavior needs to be similar to tables in Word. As long text is entered, the fields should grow in height (but not width), and the text should wrap as it is entered.

Currently I am using a two-column wx.grid with AutoSizeRows and GridCellAutoWrapRenderers/Editors, but I thought I would ask the list to see if there might be a better alternative approach. The wx.grid seems a little heavyweight and complex, although it's nothing I can't handle. AutoSizeRows() doesn't seem to work correctly either, although perhaps this is because I'm developing on a Mac. My users will be using Windows.

Thanks for your feedback.


Hello Ken

Currently I am using a two-column wx.grid with AutoSizeRows and
GridCellAutoWrapRenderers/Editors, but I thought I would ask the list
to see if there might be a better alternative approach. The wx.grid
seems a little heavyweight and complex, although it's nothing I can't
handle. AutoSizeRows() doesn't seem to work correctly either, although

perhaps this is because I'm developing on a Mac. My users will be
using Windows.

Just a simple suggestion... why don't you try with a series of TextCtrl
(3 for every serie) in a horizontal boxsizer? You could embed everything
in a scrolledpanel or similar. TextCtrl may have a lot of advantages wrt
grids. For what I know (but I can go wrong here), you could be able to handle
text wrap, you could also use features of styledtextctrl (such as keyword/error
highlighting, line number and so on)
However, if you need a lot of row (series), it may become complex to handle
or not so good-looking to present to your users.

Just my 2 cents.
