I've starting using wx.lib.pubsub to solve a problem of updating the title bar in two windows.
I allow the user to have two (or more) windows open that represent different views of the same document; when they make a change in either window, I update both title bars to reflect the change.
I couldn't see how to do that using custom events, and then I came across wx.lib.pubsub.
I have each window subscribe to an appropriate topic, and then when an update is required, publish the "event". With pubsub, I need to make sure the window unsubscribes before closing.
So, two questions.
1. Any difference between the two classes? Is one preferred over the other?
It looks like wx.py.dispatcher might be more tolerant of closing the window without unsubscribing.
2. The docs for wx.lib.pubsub are broken; anyone know how to build the html docs at http://wxpython.org/docs/api/?
The page http://wxpython.org/docs/api/wx.lib.pubsub-module.html is incomplete, with most of the methods missing.
(If any has access to the web pages for http://wxpython.org/, the words "Build intructions" in the left column sidebar could use editing...)
John Jackson