Which Plotting Package With wxPython?!?

Hello NG,

     I'm building a GUI with wxpython (on win2000 machine, but it should be
portable to Linux and Unix also…) and I have reserved a small section of
a panel (a notebook panel) in order to plot something in it. Ideally, I
would be able to plot a surface (possibly filled) in this section and I
would be able to use the mouse to select some point on it (and also to
display coordinates while the mouse is moving). I've googled around a
little bit and I've also looked at the wxPython demo (wxPyPlot, but it
seems to me that this can not handle my case). I've found "a lot" of tools
that seem to do the job (matplotlib, xplt, xgplt, Chaco… WHERE IS
CHACO??? I can't find a downloadable Chaco anymore…), but I really don't
know so much about wxPython.
Could anyone please point me in a good direction? I'm always interested in
a simple (!!!) integration in a wxPython application…

Thank you a lot.



Andrea Gavana
Reservoir Engineer
MOGI ? Reservoir Characterization and Modeling Dept.
ENI S.p.A. ? Exploration & Production Division
Via Emilia, 1 ? 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) ? Italy
Phone: +39 02 520 62972
Fax: +39 02 520 61824
E-mail: andrea.gavana@agip.it
Updated Internet Site: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/infinity77/

Eni S.p.A.
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