Where to start?

You have some program X that is written in Python (presumably). If you
can run it in a thread (or threads), and have it print out the
statistics every second or so, it is easy to make it work with wxPython.

Have your GUI create a thread that handles all of the net events (import
threading; threading.Thread(target=...).start()), and use information in
the wiki to understand how to create, post, and handle custom events:

- Josiah


Andrew Errington <andrew.errington@t3-software.com> wrote:

I have written a Python program that sends and receives messages over a network.
     Over time it accumulates statistics about the messages, and I want to plot
this on a graph. I am confident with using Python on its own, and I have also
written a simple wxPython program using the CheckListBox and a couple of other
controls which I was very pleased with.

I have a complete mental block to sticking the two things together, and I have
given up hunting for inspiration on the Web. Please could someone give me a
general pointer in the right direction?