what is the Best way to define classes in wxpython

If the app is simple, you can leave it all together. But if it’s complex then you should split it up into classes. I usually leave the toolbar, menubar and statusbar stuff in the frame since they all belong to the frame in most cases. If you have complex menus or toolbars, then they might be worth splitting out into a class or utility class. I rarely need to subclass those though. I do separate panels and other container widgets though.


On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 7:39 AM, wangolo wangolob@gmail.com wrote:

Hello i have been really having a problem making my codes tideous and hard to read and even debug later
This is simpley because i only use one class wx.Frame for all the necessary child widgets like frame

But my question is What is the best way to use class?

Should i create each class for the panel, toolbars, menubar, status, and then use them later?

Mike Driscoll

Blog: http://blog.pythonlibrary.org