Apologies for the undoubtedly incorrect use of terms &c. I'm very new
to this and to guis in general.
I have a very very simple gui with one window (frame? whatever). I
want to group things spatially into boxes.
For example, wx.RadioBox() puts a box (by "box" I mean a rectangle-
shaped thingy on the screen that surrounds the radio buttons) around
the radio buttons. This is nice: the buttons are mutually exclusive so
it's good to put something visual in the ui that makes this clear to
the user.
So, ah, how do I put similar boxes (again, in the sense in which I
define "box" above) around other things, so I can visually partition
different doohickeys from other doohickeys? This is very easy in MS
Visual Studio of course, but I'm trying not to use that.
I can't for the life of me find this online or in Rappin & Dunn. I'm
sure that whatever these things are called, they're not called boxes,
and so I don't even know the term to search for.
Thanks so much,
mrentropy wrote:
I have a very very simple gui with one window (frame? whatever). I
want to group things spatially into boxes.
and you probably want to use a wx.StaticBoxSizer with it to lay out the widgets in the box.
If you haven't already, be sure to look through the demo.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
Thanks so much for all of the help, everybody! Working great now.
What a great community.
On Aug 19, 12:00 am, <GadgetSt...@live.co.uk> wrote:
From: "mrentropy" <pet...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 1:20 AM
To: "wxPython-users" <wxpython-users@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [wxPython-users] very beginner question: drawing boxes around
> Apologies for the undoubtedly incorrect use of terms &c. I'm very new
> to this and to guis in general.
> I have a very very simple gui with one window (frame? whatever). I
> want to group things spatially into boxes.
> For example, wx.RadioBox() puts a box (by "box" I mean a rectangle-
> shaped thingy on the screen that surrounds the radio buttons) around
> the radio buttons. This is nice: the buttons are mutually exclusive so
> it's good to put something visual in the ui that makes this clear to
> the user.
You either need to use a wx.StaticBoxSizer which draws a line with optional
text about the controls nested within it or to put the controls that you
would like to group into a sizer on a panel and then put your panel onto
your main panel or frame - then you have the option of raised/sunken/3d
borders for the panel. See the demo in wxPython Docs & Demos it has a lot
of useful tips in it.
> So, ah, how do I put similar boxes (again, in the sense in which I
> define "box" above) around other things, so I can visually partition
> different doohickeys from other doohickeys? This is very easy in MS
> Visual Studio of course, but I'm trying not to use that.
> I can't for the life of me find this online or in Rappin & Dunn. I'm
> sure that whatever these things are called, they're not called boxes,
> and so I don't even know the term to search for.
> Thanks so much,
> Peter
> --
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