This is somewhat off topic but I was wondering how people on the list
manage releases and version numbers with revision control. My project
has version information in
* the main module
* the setup file for InnoSetup
* the file for Sphinx documentation
* a tag_build in setup.cfg
I am worried I may forget one of these files when tagging a release. Is
there an already defined method to synchronize the version tag in these
On Oct 10, 3:31 pm, Glenn Johnson <> wrote:
This is somewhat off topic but I was wondering how people on the list
manage releases and version numbers with revision control. My project
has version information in
* the main module
* the setup file for InnoSetup
* the file for Sphinx documentation
* a tag_build in setup.cfg
I am worried I may forget one of these files when tagging a release. Is
there an already defined method to synchronize the version tag in these
Glenn Johnson <>
One easy way is to just include a version file (i.e. VERSION.txt) and
have anything that refers to the version read the file. Then you only
need to update one file. I think that's kind of similar to what the
guys in the PyWin32 group do.
This is somewhat off topic but I was wondering how people on the list
manage releases and version numbers with revision control. My project
has version information in
* the main module
* the setup file for InnoSetup
* the file for Sphinx documentation
* a tag_build in setup.cfg
I am worried I may forget one of these files when tagging a release. Is
there an already defined method to synchronize the version tag in these
Glenn Johnson <>
One easy way is to just include a version file (i.e. VERSION.txt) and
have anything that refers to the version read the file. Then you only
need to update one file. I think that's kind of similar to what the
guys in the PyWin32 group do.
I do something similar, i.e. which I can then very easily use in the application, i.e. automatically start a database upgrade if needed etc etc.
There was another thread on this a little while ago, search for "build version handling"
On Oct 10, 3:31 pm, Glenn Johnson <> wrote:
You can have be the keeper of the official version number, and then generate the version number for the other locations when is run. For example, generate a that's imported from the app, substitute the version number in the InnoSetup file and rewrite it, etc.
On 10/10/09 1:31 PM, Glenn Johnson wrote:
This is somewhat off topic but I was wondering how people on the list
manage releases and version numbers with revision control. My project
has version information in
* the main module
* the setup file for InnoSetup
* the file for Sphinx documentation
* a tag_build in setup.cfg
I am worried I may forget one of these files when tagging a release. Is
there an already defined method to synchronize the version tag in these