using pyinstaller to distribute wxPython app in linux


I am using Linux (centOS) and am trying to make a executeable of my

python script that has a GUI made with wx. Im using python2.4 and

wxpython 2.8 and pyinstaller 1.3

This is what my python script looks like from the point of imports:

import sys, os

import re

if sys.platform.startswith(“win”): #win32, linux2, darwin (osx)


   import win32api

except Exception:


elif sys.platform.startswith(“linux”):

en = ‘’

if os.environ.has_key(“LD_LIBRARY_PATH”):

   en = os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]

   if len(en) > 0:


os.environ[“LD_LIBRARY_PATH”] = en
import wx
import wx.lib.scrolledpanel as scrolled
import wx.lib.hyperlink as hl
and this is the command I use to make the .spec file:
and this is the command I use to build:
/usr/bin/python2.4 myscript/myscript.spec
it compiles fine on the computer i use to make it, but when I run it
on another similar linux machine that has python 2.4 but not wx, this
error occurs:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 22, in ?
File “/pyinstaller-1.3/”, line 312, in importHook
mod = _self_doimport(nm, ctx, fqname)
File “/pyinstaller-1.3/”, line 398, in doimport
exec co in mod.dict
File “myscript/buildmyscript/out1.pyz/wx”, line 45, in ?
File “/pyinstaller-1.3/”, line 312, in importHook
mod = _self_doimport(nm, ctx, fqname)
File “/pyinstaller-1.3/”, line 398, in doimport
exec co in mod.dict
File “myscript/buildmyscript/out1.pyz/wx._core”, line 4, in ?
File “/pyinstaller-1.3/”, line 312, in importHook
mod = _self_doimport(nm, ctx, fqname)
File “/pyinstaller-1.3/”, line 373, in doimport
mod = importfunc(nm)
File “/pyinstaller-1.3/”, line 215, in getmod
mod = owner.getmod(nm)
File “/pyinstaller-1.3/”, line 409, in getmod
return iu.DirOwner.getmod(self, self.prefix+’.’+nm)
File “/pyinstaller-1.3/”, line 77, in getmod
mod = imp.load_module(nm, fp, attempt, (ext, mode, typ))
ImportError: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
I’m not sure what Im doing wrong, but I’ve tried to compile without
the LD_PATHS in my script and it still fails the same way. Any ideas?
I’ve had a look around and google doesn’t help.
Any advice?



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