Just noticed today that using super() to call __del__ in a StatusBar
subclass causes an AttributeError to be raised (to stderr).
Exception AttributeError: "'super' object has no attribute '__del__'"
in <bound method SubStatusBar.__del__ of <__main__.SubStatusBar; proxy
of <Swig Object of type 'wxStatusBar *' at 0xe73670> >> ignored
Doing this for other wx derived objects seems to work correctly. In
the attached sample just run it from the console, then close the Frame
to see.
Is there a reason why this does not work with the StatusBar class or
is this a bug in how the wrappers for the StatusBar class are defined?
Was running while this was observed, haven't tested on 2.8 yet.
To reply to myself, I think I stumbled on to what is happening now.
For all wx objects the __del__ method does not attached to the class
until the object is instantiated and it appears that it may already be
removed from the object by the time the subclasses __del__ method is
To reply to myself, I think I stumbled on to what is happening now.
For all wx objects the __del__ method does not attached to the class
until the object is instantiated and it appears that it may already be
removed from the object by the time the subclasses __del__ method is