I'm Trying to update a scrolling panel from values I get from a file.
It looks like this:
Class [101] Title [Intro to Python] Teacher [Robin Dunn]
Name Number Cell Phone Grade
[John Doe ][ 121235] [111-333-4444] [A+] |_|
[Jane Doe ][ 678891] [222-333-5555] [A- ] |_|
: : : :
I started with:
class TestPanel(scrolled.ScrolledPanel)
... __init__ ...
self.LoadAll() # array fills with 30 values ie. n=30 Class="101",
Titile = "Intro to Python" Teacher="Robin Dunn"
panel = scrolled panel ...
class = wx.TextCtrl(... , Class,...) #First record contains this
title = wx.TextCtrl(... , Title,...)
teacher = wx.TextCtrl(... , Teacher,...)
global Name, Number, CellPhone, Grade # These are used
in other parts of the app
global name, number, cellPhone, grade # These are
called in other classes
Name = ; Number = ; CellPhone = ; Grade= # These arrays are
loaded with the actual data
name = ; number = ; cellPhone = ; grade= # These arrays
are loaded with nulls to keep in sync w/ data.
fgs1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=4, vgap=4, hgap=4)
for i in range(len(name)) #Loop
thru array cells to load fields
name[i] = wx.TextCtrl( panel, .. ,Name[i], ...)
number[i] = wx.TextCtrl( panel, .. ,Number[i], ...)
cellPhone[i] = wx.TextCtrl( panel, .. ,cellPhone[i], ...)
grade[i] = wx.TextCtrl( panel, ... , Grade
<< sizing >>
def LoadAll(self) #Called from Frame and Panel
def UpdateAll(self) #Called from Frame
class .SetValue(Class)
for i in range(len(name))
When I run the app the first time it loads all the fields as expected.
But when I load another course file (ie. diffferent students) by an
event ( onOpen calls LoadAll() and then UpdateAll() ) Only the class,
title and teacher are updated and I always get an error on "name[i]"
saying it is not an attribute or something else. Can anyone see what I
am doing wrong. I tried dropping the globals and adding "self." in
front of all variables but I still get similar errors. Am I going to
have to use "GetChildren"?