Ubuntu dist-upgrade problems

Dan Cherry wrote:

This morning, I performed a dist-upgrade on an Ubuntu based pc. Several wx libs were upgraded. As a result, SPE and PyPE both ceased to load. DrPython is still working.

I'm running Python2.4, wxPython 2.6.3, and Xubuntu 6.10.
I'm using standard edgy repositories and the wxpython APT for dapper (which is a possible suspect)

If anyone has run into this and isolated the problem, I'd appreciate any comments.

For SPE at least you can correct this by using wxversion.select to force it to use wxPython 2.6 instead of 2.7. For example, change /usr/bin/spe to look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import wxversion
import _spe.SPE

You can also use the update-alternatives system to change which is the default install of wxPython:

$ python -c "import wx; print wx.VERSION"
(2, 7, 2, 0, '')
$ sudo update-alternatives --set wx.pth /usr/lib/wx/python/wx2.6.pth
Using `/usr/lib/wx/python/wx2.6.pth' to provide `wx.pth'.
$ python -c "import wx; print wx.VERSION"
(2, 6, 3, 3, '')


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Thanks Robin!

SPE 0.8.2.a, the default version of ubuntu, only works with wxPython
2.6. SPE 0.8.3.c works with wxPython 2.7. But if you use wxGlade,
you'll need to stick to 2.6 as wxGlade does not support 2.6.

I am finishing some fixes for SPE 0.8.3.d which will contain some
minor optimizations for Ubuntu, my preferred OS. Unfortunately my
sponsoring, hosting provider zettai.net goes out of business, so I'll
have to find a new one.



On 11/25/06, Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com> wrote:

Dan Cherry wrote:
> FYI,
> This morning, I performed a dist-upgrade on an Ubuntu based pc. Several
> wx libs were upgraded. As a result, SPE and PyPE both ceased to load.
> DrPython is still working.
> I'm running Python2.4, wxPython 2.6.3, and Xubuntu 6.10.
> I'm using standard edgy repositories and the wxpython APT for dapper
> (which is a possible suspect)
> If anyone has run into this and isolated the problem, I'd appreciate any
> comments.

For SPE at least you can correct this by using wxversion.select to force
it to use wxPython 2.6 instead of 2.7. For example, change /usr/bin/spe
to look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import wxversion
import _spe.SPE

You can also use the update-alternatives system to change which is the
default install of wxPython:

$ python -c "import wx; print wx.VERSION"
(2, 7, 2, 0, '')
$ sudo update-alternatives --set wx.pth /usr/lib/wx/python/wx2.6.pth
Using `/usr/lib/wx/python/wx2.6.pth' to provide `wx.pth'.
$ python -c "import wx; print wx.VERSION"
(2, 6, 3, 3, '')

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

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   A new sponsor, host, or distribution? Or, all of the above?

New sponsors are always welcome as more money means more time, and
more time means more development and more development means more happy
users. But at the moment the SPE website is down, so I need a new
host, preferably with an Ubuntu server.


On 11/27/06, Rich Shepard <rshepard@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:

On 11/27/06, Horst Herb <subscriptions@gnumed.net> wrote:

They are located at a secure data centres with redundant power and Internet
connections, and I have backup servers too. You can get shell access and
limited sudo privileges, I have both MySQL and PostgreSQL running, Apache +
PHP, and rails too - and most software can be installed on request as long as
it does not interfere with my other services.

This offer is of course valid for any other bona fide FOSS projects


Hi Horst,
Thanks for your offer! Nice community. I'll make a posting on
comp.lang.python as well and will make a choice afterwards. I suggest
anyone else who wants to react, contact me privately.
Thanks again,

