Hi All,
I am working on an app in Linux. The problem i am facing is with TreeListCtrl.
The TreeListCtrl is in the Expanded state at the start of the app. but
after it is collapsed all itz child nodes are not visible. i posted
this question earlier and Robin replied saying that it might be some
refresh problems and advised me to refresh it manually.
i tried it and it is coming correctly to some extend but itz not fully
coming. i have several treelist ctrls inside the main ctrl, except that
all othr fields are coming. It becomes visible only when we click over
My app is like this :
___________ member1
___________ member 2
___________ SubTreeListCtrl1
___________ SubTreeListCtrl2
___________ SubTreeListCtrl3
___________ member 3
and so on…All the members are now showing but the SubTreeListCtrls are shown only if we click over them.
i have written it as :
class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
def init(self, parent, log):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
self.tree =
gizmos.TreeListCtrl(self, -1, style = wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE |
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
def OnSize(self, evt):
Shine Anne