TreeListCtrl linkage problem

I've a problem with TreeListCtrl gizmo. Basically it seems to attach children in wrong place making nodes with children indented in comparision to childless nodes of same parent. It doesn't look pretty.

Both Windows and Linux versions of the library have this problem. The regular TreeCtrl is OK.

I've contacted Otto Wyss, the wxTreeListCtrl maintainer, and he told me that wxPython probably uses outdated and no longer maintained version of wxTreeListCtrl from wxWidgets contrib. The only maintained version is in wxCode.

Indeed, comparing wxTreeListCtrl from wxPython and wxCode shows lots of differences and recompilation of wxPython with files from wxCode fails (gizmos_wrap.cpp reports couple of symbols undeclared).

Could updated wxTreeListCtrl from wxCode be included into wxPython?
