TreeListCtrl in 2.7 releases.

Susarla, Aditya wrote:


I want to intercept the “Return”/Enter key press on an item in TreeListCtrl

I have a call back for EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN on the TreeListCtrl.

I have noticed that pressing the /Carriage/ /Return / button does not lead to the above callback getting called ( although the callback is called for every other key). Am I missing something here or is there a bug in wxPython 2.7 treelistctrl

The correct way to get Enter from a tree ctrl is to use EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, which is also what you get for a double click on an item. However if the TLC is a child of a window that handles wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL then the enter key could be stolen as a navigation key.


Robin Dunn
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