Traverse all wxTreeCtrl items

Is there something wrong with this code for traversing all the items in
a tree?

    def traverseTree(self, tree, item=None, level=0):
        # tree is a wxTreeCtrl
        if item is None:
            item = tree.GetRootItem()
        print '%s%s' % (' '*level, tree.GetPyData(item))
        item, cookie = tree.GetFirstChild(item, 0)
        while item.isOk():
            self.traverseTree(tree, item, level+1)
            item, cookie = tree.GetNextChild(item, cookie)

    def someMethod(self):

For a tree that visibly looks like this:

  [-] A
   >--[-] B
   > `--[-] C
   >--[+] D (contains 1 hidden child 'E')
   `--[+] F (contains 1 hidden child 'G')
I only get A, B and C to print. I'm expecting D, E, F and G to print as

You can see that I'm preserving and passing the cookie. I tried using
id(item) and randrange(100,999999) in place of 0 for the initial
cookie, just to make sure I started it off with something different.
That didn't help.

I'm stumped on this one.

Full traversal could be useful in general. Specifically, I just want to
call tree.Expand(item) on all items to get the entire tree to expand.

