[ThumbnailCtrl] how to get list of multiple selected thumbs?

Andrea Gavana ha scritto:

I have been away for work for a couple of weeks, and I will get back
next thursday. I'll try to do my best to answer your questions, but
please be patient as I don't have much time right now.... :frowning:
However, Peter has a very deep knowledge of ThumbnailCtrl (and other
thumbnail-related techniques/software), so I am pretty sure he can
easily post useful comments in case you will have problems.

Thanks Andrea.
I'll try to figure it out by myself as much as possible, and even if I think I'll come back here sooner or later you don't have to worry. It's just a pet project :slight_smile:

By the way,
1) why isn't ThumbnailCtrl (along with your other wxPython goodies) hosted on SourceForge or some other repository? This could help people being aware of it and help development
2) is there a plan to make that controls part of wxPython itself? maybe as extras/unsupported/inprogress things?
3) I keep posting all this on the wxPython ML -hope it's correct behaviour.
