those "special" menus

Bind is a Python only function so it is not ever going

> to be in the C++ docs. It does have a docstring though,
> as Paul showed you.

Yes, thanks to him and to you. This is all clearer to me now. Live and learn.

> The demo does use them, search for SetMac in
> On the other hand, it wouldn't *need* to use them if
> it used the standard IDs for the standard menu items,
> wx.ID_EXIT, wx.ID_ABOUT, etc.

Now I see it; thanks for the "SetMac" tip. And I find that this code works:
    HelpMenu = wx.Menu()
    HelpMenu.Append(401, <some help items . . .>
    HelpMenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, "About <program>
    menuBar.Append(HelpMenu, "&Help")
The fact that, after this, the About item shows up in the App menu (where I want it), not in the Help menu as the fourth of these lines implies, is pretty weird, but I'm glad it's there.

Charles Hartman, slowly getting it

Charles Hartman wrote:

The fact that, after this, the About item shows up in the App menu (where I want it), not in the Help menu as the fourth of these lines implies, is pretty weird, but I'm glad it's there.

Yeah, I've always thought that moving menu items like that is odd too. But it allows you to write HIG compliant code for the menus without worrying about platform differences.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!