Bind is a Python only function so it is not ever going
> to be in the C++ docs. It does have a docstring though,
> as Paul showed you.
Yes, thanks to him and to you. This is all clearer to me now. Live and learn.
> The demo does use them, search for SetMac in
> On the other hand, it wouldn't *need* to use them if
> it used the standard IDs for the standard menu items,
> wx.ID_EXIT, wx.ID_ABOUT, etc.
Now I see it; thanks for the "SetMac" tip. And I find that this code works:
HelpMenu = wx.Menu()
HelpMenu.Append(401, <some help items . . .>
HelpMenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, "About <program>
menuBar.Append(HelpMenu, "&Help")
The fact that, after this, the About item shows up in the App menu (where I want it), not in the Help menu as the fourth of these lines implies, is pretty weird, but I'm glad it's there.
Charles Hartman, slowly getting it