Thanks to everyone : py2applet for a wxpython universal binary?

Thanks everyone for your timely help as I was trying to learn wxpython.

I have finally released the app that I was working on . It is targeted towards the protein crystallization community .

I owe everyone on this list a big thank you. It would have been impossible without all the help I got here.

If you are biochemically inclined you can get the application here

The Gui is still a little rough around the edges…but good enough for a “beta” tag.

Feedback on the UI is welcome . Even if you dont use the app …the screencast hopefully gives you an idea of how the app works:

The code is available on

I had just one question which is not a 100% wxpython related.

I only own an intel mac and a 64 bit ubuntu box. Is there any easy way to build a PowerPC OSX binary using py2applet.
for the present Mac *.app which i am distributing , I just used the system py2applet with the command

py2applet --iconfile="/path_to_ico.icns"

Someone who downloaded the app said it does not work on their Powerpc machine.

I was wondering if there is some way to create a universal binary for a wxpython app.

sorry the question is not strictly wx related.

Thanks again


hari jayaram wrote:

I had just one question which is not a 100% wxpython related.
I only own an intel mac and a 64 bit ubuntu box. Is there any easy way to build a PowerPC OSX binary using py2applet.

I'm not sure about py2applet(though it should work), but using the full py2app should work fine.

Someone who downloaded the app said it does not work on their Powerpc machine.

What python and wxPython build are you using? If you use the python builds from, and the wxPython builds from, and the latest py2app from SVN, you should get Ujiversal builds (supporint 10.4 and above, and maybe 10.3.9)

If you keep having trouble, the pythonmac list may be helpful.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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If you are making a standalone app (one that includes Python instead of using the System's Python,) and if all the binary extension modules that your app uses are all universal, then your app should be universal too.


On 9/27/09 2:15 AM, hari jayaram wrote:

I had just one question which is not a 100% wxpython related.
I only own an intel mac and a 64 bit ubuntu box. Is there any easy way
to build a PowerPC OSX binary using py2applet.
for the present Mac *.app which i am distributing , I just used the
system py2applet with the command

py2applet --iconfile="/path_to_ico.icns"

Someone who downloaded the app said it does not work on their Powerpc

I was wondering if there is some way to create a universal binary for a
wxpython app.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman