Thanks for your help + PyAUI wishlist

Hello folks,

I've released GarlicSim 0.4 today. I want to thank you all with your
help on this project.




There are a few things regarding the PyAUI that I want to improve. I
may try to code some of these, but I want to know whether people think
these are good directions, and from Andrea I hope to hear strategic
advice on how to implement these things. (Which code to change, etc.)

(One note before: I am considering taking a break from my GarlicSim/
wxPython work for some time, not sure yet, so don't be surprised if I
disappear for a few months.)

So, my wishlist:

1. Less abysmal flickering in floating panes.

When having floating panes, especially when dragging them around,
things go to flickery hell. If you are not seeing it on your PyAUI
app, I can try to distill it from my app so you'll see for yourselves.

2. Ability to dock a pane to a floating notebook, causing it to become
a page in the notebook.

3. Having floating panes snap to each other's borders when dragging.

The mysterious thing about this one, is that Andrea said there's
something similar to that already implemented, but I couldn't make it
happen. I asked here but got no answer:


Any comments on the wishlist?


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Hi Ram,

1. Less abysmal flickering in floating panes.

When having floating panes, especially when dragging them around,
things go to flickery hell. If you are not seeing it on your PyAUI
app, I can try to distill it from my app so you'll see for yourselves.

I don't remember ever seeing this problem on my applications... could
it be a platform issue? I only have Windows (XP, 7) and my apps are
reacting smoothly enough with agw.aui floating panes.

2. Ability to dock a pane to a floating notebook, causing it to become
a page in the notebook.

Ah, that was my holy grail: this is in fact one thing in the TODO list
of agw.aui that has not been implemented, and I believe it would be
very useful. I didn't concentrate much effort on this, however all my
previous attempts to implement this feature failed. My feeling is that
it *can* be done, as floating panes have their own AuiManager, but I
haven't yet found *how* to do it. The most problematic part of the
code is undoubtedly in the CalculateHintRect method and subsequent
DoDrop calls in it.

3. Having floating panes snap to each other's borders when dragging.

The mysterious thing about this one, is that Andrea said there's
something similar to that already implemented, but I couldn't make it
happen. I asked here but got no answer:

Well, you can have floating panes snapping to the main frame itself
(but not to each other) by using the Snappable() method for
AuiPaneInfo. I believe the demo should work too if you choose the Snap
option for AuiManager in it. In any case, I don't think having
floating panes snap to each other will be very complicated to
implement, but you never know with AUI...

If you come up with some implementation (even if it's not working, it
doesn't matter, it's the idea which counts), please let me know.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."

==> Never *EVER* use RemovalGroup for your house removal. You'll
regret it forever.
The Doomed City: Removal Group: the nightmare <==


On 26 April 2010 23:01, cool-RR wrote:

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Hi Ram,

  1. Less abysmal flickering in floating panes.

When having floating panes, especially when dragging them around,

things go to flickery hell. If you are not seeing it on your PyAUI

app, I can try to distill it from my app so you’ll see for yourselves.

I don’t remember ever seeing this problem on my applications… could

it be a platform issue? I only have Windows (XP, 7) and my apps are

reacting smoothly enough with agw.aui floating panes.

Try floating different kinds of widgets in the demo. Move them around, out of the window too, and a bit fast. If you’re not seeing anything too severe I can try reproducing it.

(I’m on XP.)

  1. Ability to dock a pane to a floating notebook, causing it to become

a page in the notebook.

Ah, that was my holy grail: this is in fact one thing in the TODO list

of agw.aui that has not been implemented, and I believe it would be

very useful. I didn’t concentrate much effort on this, however all my

previous attempts to implement this feature failed. My feeling is that

it can be done, as floating panes have their own AuiManager, but I

haven’t yet found how to do it. The most problematic part of the

code is undoubtedly in the CalculateHintRect method and subsequent

DoDrop calls in it.

Oh merde. If it’s a challenge for you I think I’ll pass. It’s not the most important thing on my wishlist. I’d say the flickering issue is most important, and this issue is in the same league of importance with the snapping issue, and since snapping seems to be simpler, I’d probably go for that first.

  1. Having floating panes snap to each other’s borders when dragging.

The mysterious thing about this one, is that Andrea said there’s

something similar to that already implemented, but I couldn’t make it

happen. I asked here but got no answer:

Well, you can have floating panes snapping to the main frame itself

(but not to each other) by using the Snappable() method for

AuiPaneInfo. I believe the demo should work too if you choose the Snap

option for AuiManager in it. In any case, I don’t think having

floating panes snap to each other will be very complicated to

implement, but you never know with AUI…

If you come up with some implementation (even if it’s not working, it

doesn’t matter, it’s the idea which counts), please let me know.


Will do.



On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Andrea Gavana wrote:

On 26 April 2010 23:01, cool-RR wrote:

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