Text Ctrl growth as text is entered..


I'm trying to create an input field that will grow as more text is typed
in. I don't want a scrollbar, but I want the control to get bigger and
take up more of the screen as more text is entered. Enclosed is a
program that does this, sort of. When the vertical length gets to about
140 pixels, it stops growing. Does anyone know why this is occurring?
Is it a problem with TextCtrl?


Billy Earney

MyTextCtrl.py (1.58 KB)

Change you OnKeyPressed method like this:

    def OnKeyPressed(self, event):
        __x, __y = self.GetTextExtent(self.GetValue())

        # Some more extra space.
        __x += 18
        __y += 18

        self.size = (__x, __y)



On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 10:51 -0500, Earney, Billy C. wrote:


I'm trying to create an input field that will grow as more text is typed
in. I don't want a scrollbar, but I want the control to get bigger and
take up more of the screen as more text is entered. Enclosed is a
program that does this, sort of. When the vertical length gets to about
140 pixels, it stops growing. Does anyone know why this is occurring?
Is it a problem with TextCtrl?

Earney, Billy C. wrote:

I'm trying to create an input field that will grow as more text is typed
in. I don't want a scrollbar, but I want the control to get bigger and
take up more of the screen as more text is entered. Enclosed is a
program that does this, sort of. When the vertical length gets to about
140 pixels, it stops growing. Does anyone know why this is occurring?
Is it a problem with TextCtrl?

I don't think GetBestSize() is helping in this case. Try this code, which determines the height based on the number of hard line returns (may not be what you want because word-wrapping isn't accounted for):

     def OnKeyPressed(self, event):
         charHeight = self.GetCharHeight()
         numLines = len(self.GetValue().split('\n')) + 1
         bestHeight = charHeight * numLines

         if self.size[1] < bestHeight:
             self.size[1] = bestHeight



Paul McNett