Tab traverse in Dialogs?

I must still not understand what you want to accomplish. Why
would you
want the tab to stop in the wx.TE_READONLY control, one can
not change it?

As I wrote in my last may (answering to David Hughes), the user should be able to copy the text from the TextCtrl (e.g. a longish path), but not to change it.
The tab doesn't need to stop there, but it I use .Enable(False), one cannot select the text.

Yes, I could simply not set any style for the "normal" controls, but I create the dialog dynamically from some data where I should be able to simply set any style for every TextCtrl.

-> What's the default style of a TextCtrl if not wx.DEFAULT?

Sorry, don't know, in Boa the control has no style by default
(i.e. 0).

If I set style=0 or style=0|wx.SOMETHING the problem remains.

Could that be a bug in wxWidgets?

Best regards,
Henning Hraban Ramm
Südkurier Medienhaus / MediaPro
Support/Admin/Development Dept.

As I wrote in my last may (answering to David Hughes), the user should
be able to copy the text from the TextCtrl (e.g. a longish path), but
not to change it.
The tab doesn't need to stop there, but it I use .Enable(False), one
cannot select the text.

Try style = wx.TE_READONLY | wx.NO_BORDER

That gives a view like the URL in Properties in Internet Explorer. The
text can be scrolled, selected and copied (though bizarrely, Paste is
enabled as well).
