In wxPython is it possible to skip through controls using the tab key and if so, how can be set the tab order?
Mike Driscoll wrote:
Hi Raffaello,
In wxPython is it possible to skip through controls using the tab key and if so, how can be set the tab order?
Yes, it is. However, as I recall if you port to Windows then all the controls have to have a wx.Panel as their parent. The tab order is the order in which the widgets are instantiated (i.e. created). There is no way to change tab order after they're created. Some widgets can't be tabbed to, such as StaticText controls.
I think that about covers it. Hopefully I haven't mis-spoken. But if I have, someone will jump to my rescue.
Paul McNett wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Mike Driscoll wrote:
Hi Raffaello,
In wxPython is it possible to skip through controls using the tab key and if so, how can be set the tab order?
Yes, it is. However, as I recall if you port to Windows then all the controls have to have a wx.Panel as their parent. The tab order is the order in which the widgets are instantiated (i.e. created). There is no way to change tab order after they're created. Some widgets can't be tabbed to, such as StaticText controls.
I think that about covers it. Hopefully I haven't mis-spoken. But if I have, someone will jump to my rescue.
Interesting. I'm pretty sure I got my information either from the WiA book or from Robin himself. Good to know though.
Mike Driscoll
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