Symbols, names and general confusion

That means, you gave None as parent?
Try your main window (or one of its childs) as parent,

otherwise it is no main window.
this is what I do:
           configFrame=wx.Frame(win, -1, "Configuration",

Ok, why don't you simply use a wx.Dialog?

(Sorry, there are better experts on this list than me.)

Best regards,
Henning Hraban Ramm
Südkurier Medienhaus / MediaPro
Support/Admin/Development Dept.


if you could tell me how to invole it correctly AND populate it with widgets for the configuration... ?
See, the thing is that the documentation for wxPython is pretty confusing to me. I am currently just doing the stuff i do understand.

Christophe Leske

··· wrote:

That means, you gave None as parent?
Try your main window (or one of its childs) as parent,

otherwise it is no main window.
this is what I do:
          configFrame=wx.Frame(win, -1, "Configuration",

Ok, why don't you simply use a wx.Dialog?