That means, you gave None as parent?
Try your main window (or one of its childs) as parent,
otherwise it is no main window.
this is what I do:
configFrame=wx.Frame(win, -1, "Configuration",
Ok, why don't you simply use a wx.Dialog?
(Sorry, there are better experts on this list than me.)
Best regards,
Henning Hraban Ramm
Südkurier Medienhaus / MediaPro
Support/Admin/Development Dept.
if you could tell me how to invole it correctly AND populate it with widgets for the configuration... ?
See, the thing is that the documentation for wxPython is pretty confusing to me. I am currently just doing the stuff i do understand.
Christophe Leske
··· wrote:
That means, you gave None as parent?
Try your main window (or one of its childs) as parent,
otherwise it is no main window.
this is what I do:
configFrame=wx.Frame(win, -1, "Configuration",
Ok, why don't you simply use a wx.Dialog?