SuSe 9.0

Sorry, I cant reproduce this error now, beacause I removed the installation.
But it was something with __core__ and PyUnicodeUCS4_AsEncodedString after typing "import wx".
(I tried both, the unicode and the ascii version and get this error message both times)



FWIW, I've found that building the src rpms is quite painless, and I run Gentoo, which is kind of a weird system.


Chris wrote:


Sorry, I cant reproduce this error now, beacause I removed the installation.
But it was something with __core__ and PyUnicodeUCS4_AsEncodedString after typing "import wx".
(I tried both, the unicode and the ascii version and get this error message both times)



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Chris wrote:

Sorry, I cant reproduce this error now, beacause I removed the installation.
But it was something with __core__ and PyUnicodeUCS4_AsEncodedString after typing "import wx".

Ok. That indicates that the Python I used to build wxPython was built with different unicode options than the Python you are running.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!