Hi folks (mostly Robin...),
Apparently there is confusion about the state of wxPython on the Mac, particularly with the introduction of Snow Leopard. It looks like the download page is a bit out of date. I suggest the following changes:
At the top of the download page, under OS-X, it now says:
Mac OS X
* wxPython needs a special Mac OS X-specific build of Python, called a Framework build, in order to work. Panther and Tiger include a Framework build of Python 2.3, or you can get a newer version of Python the Python Framework from the Python site.
I suggest:
* wxPython needs a special Mac OS X-specific build of Python, called a Framework build, in order to work. The easiest option is to use the build provided by python.org, which will work with OS-X 10.3.9 and above. wxPython will also work with the Framework builds provided by Apple in 10.4 (python2.3) and 10.5 (python 2.5). wxPython is on the Mac is 32 bit only. The python apples supplies with 10.6 (Snow Leopard) is 64 bit and will not work with wxPython. A 64 bit Cocoa-based wxPython is in the works, but not yet production ready.
Under Binaries, it currently says:
The Max OSX version of wxPython is distributed as a set of mountable disk images. The runtime versions contain Installer packages, as well as a script that can perform an uninstall of previous installs of wxPython. (NOTE: If you have versions prior to installed please do run the uninstaller to remove the older version.)
Not sure if you should use the ANSI or Unicode version? Read here for more info.
Got an Intel Mac? All of the wxPython builds for OS X are now Universal Binaries, and will work on OS X 10.3.9 or 10.4.x, PPC or Intel.
I suggest:
The Max OSX version of wxPython is distributed as a set of mountable disk images. The runtime versions contain Installer packages, as well as a script that can perform an uninstall of previous installs of wxPython.
All of the wxPython builds for OS X are Universal Binaries, and will work on OS X 10.3.9 or 10.4.x, PPC or Intel. We recommend using them with the with the python binaries from python.org. They will also work with the python 2.3 provided by apple with OS-X 10.4 (Tiger), or the python2.5 provided by Apple on OS-X 10.5 (Leopard). They will not work with the python supplied my Apple on 10.6 (Snow leopard).
NOTE: I only suggest this wording if it is correct, of course!
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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