(CentOS, python2.5, wxPython -- and no, upgrading is not
possible at this time)
I'm using the StyledTextCtrl, and it repeatedly hangs while I am
processing EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED events.This only happens when I type
fast or use an autorepeat key. Events continue to be processed it
seems, but the display visually freezes.
The curious thing is, if I move all the code to another method and
call it with wx.CallAfter, the freeze goes away.
For example, consider the following code:
class MyApp:
def __init__(self):
self._text = wx.stc.StyledTextCtrl(...)
self._text.Bind(wx.stc.EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED, self.OnStyleNeeded)
def OnStyleNeeded(self, event):
def OnStyleNeededWorker(self):
start = self._text.GetEndStyled()
start_line = self._text.LineFromPosition(start)
for line in range(start_line, self._text.GetLineCount()):
With the above code, my GUI will hang if I type real fast. I can
reproduce this at will on my linux and mac boxes. It usually only
takes a couple dozen characters of input before this happens. I can
unfreeze it by doing something like resizing the window real small to
force the vertical scrollbar to appear.
However, if I change OnStyleNeeded to the following, it doesn't hang:
def OnStyleNeeded(self, event):
Is this a known issue with the styledtextctrl? I'm certain that my
_style_line method doesn't add or remove any characters so I'm
assuming it doesn't cause another EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED event to be
called recursively. And I'm pretty sure I'm accurately styling every
single byte (since by experimentation I discovered if I don't, the
EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED eventts never stop). I'm also certain my code
doesn't call Freeze(), and explicitly calling Thaw() when done working
has no effect.