I have a strange issue with Floatcanvas.
I have the following code, this is not a complete example, since the
codebase is to big to be posted here:
def arrange_shapes_in_order(self, obj):
# Get the current canvas.
canv = self.p2.GetPage(self.p2.GetSelection())
print canv
print canv.HitDict # this is now empty.
# Add all shapes to the canvas.
for item in obj.objects: # there are two objects. So this is done
print '--', item.object
item.object.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.evt_object_hit)
print canv._DrawList # Have two objects when done.
print canv.HitDict # After the last run, this should have both
objects, but only have the last one.
This will give the following printout. The HitDict print should have
two objects, but it only have the last one. Why?
If I remove the canv.ClearAll() and add canv._DrawList = [],
canv.HitDict = None, it works just fine. The I get the second output,
which is correct.
A complete example that works just fine even with the ClearAll()
function used is found at http://www.copypastecode.com/13778/ , have
not been able to duplicate the strange behavior I have, so there must
be something in my code that make the Bind call overwrite the list
instead of add to it. But what. Any ideas?
<wx.lib.floatcanvas.FloatCanvas.FloatCanvas; proxy of <Swig Object of
type 'wxPanel *' at 0x1e19920> >
-- <builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x1a3a440>
[<builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x1a3a440>]
{10315: {(0, 0, 1): <builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at
0x1a3a440>}, 10316: {}, 10317: {}, 10318: {}, 10319: {}, 10320: {},
10321: {}, 10322: {}, 10323: {}, 10326: {}, 10327: {}}
-- <builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x1a3a5f0>
[<builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x1a3a440>,
<builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x1a3a5f0>]
{10315: {(0, 0, 1): <builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at
0x1a3a5f0>}, 10316: {}, 10317: {}, 10318: {}, 10319: {}, 10320: {},
10321: {}, 10322: {}, 10323: {}, 10326: {}, 10327: {}}
<wx.lib.floatcanvas.FloatCanvas.FloatCanvas; proxy of <Swig Object of
type 'wxPanel *' at 0x2939920> >
-- <builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x262a440>
[<builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x262a440>]
{10315: {(0, 0, 1): <builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at
0x262a440>}, 10316: {}, 10317: {}, 10318: {}, 10319: {}, 10320: {},
10321: {}, 10322: {}, 10323: {}, 10326: {}, 10327: {}}
-- <builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x262a5f0>
[<builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x262a440>,
<builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at 0x262a5f0>]
{10315: {(0, 0, 1): <builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at
0x262a440>, (0, 0, 2): <builder_defaults.MovingBitmap instance at
0x262a5f0>}, 10316: {}, 10317: {}, 10318: {}, 10319: {}, 10320: {},
10321: {}, 10322: {}, 10323: {}, 10326: {}, 10327: {}}