store the application instance

Hi All,

What the approach to store an application instance in wxpython.
I have an application that lets people open files from remote server (which talks to my application via SOAP).
I list them in a treeview.
The user closes the application after opening each file so it's taking a while again to load when the user wants to open the next file.
What the best approach to solve this issue.


I don’t know if it’s the best way, but I store any needed values in a small text file. The app (tries to) load it when fired and updates it when something changes (user resized window, for example).

But I think I’ve heard about a wx.config module that does that kind of thing.

Thomas wrote:

Hi All,

What the approach to store an application instance in wxpython.
I have an application that lets people open files from remote server (which talks to my application via SOAP).
I list them in a treeview.
The user closes the application after opening each file so it's taking a while again to load when the user wants to open the next file.
What the best approach to solve this issue.


I agree with Lucas. Store the next or last number somewhere. If the delay is caused from restarting the application, you might make it so they don't have to close the application to go to the next number. Add some controls to allow the user to go the next and previous numbers from within your application...of just hide it and then show it when the use closes the file.
